Sunday, November 22, 2015


As I sit here beginning to write this post I’m listening to my child scream and cry in the background from his crib.  I just put him down for nap time without finishing his lunch because he was getting frustrated with trying to eat by himself and had already thrown his spoon, pushed is bowl away, almost dumped his food on the floor and pushed his milk away and was beginning to throw a major fit.  This seems to be the norm lately—get extremely frustrated when something doesn’t work for him immediately the first time, fuss, and then throw a fit.  And while I’m trying to calm the frustration and anger that’s boiling inside of me, I keep thinking of the message from church this morning to not worry, for worrying only takes away from today’s strength and to {as is the name of this blog} “count your blessings.”

Although life with Huck has not been that easy lately and he is frequently fussy and uncooperative once again in his life, I have to remember to be grateful for those “Huck-isms” that do bring us great joy.  In no particular order, here are the top 20 that we encounter pretty regularly:

  1.  “Hold you” is used when he wants one of us to hold him or help him do something. He frequently confuses “you” and “I/me” and uses them in the opposite context that he intends.
  2.  “Pump it” or “pumped it” when he punts  or punted a ball
  3. “Carnoons” for cartoons
  4. “I have a bone, I’m a dog” when he puts a spoon or other stirring device sideways in his mouth.  The other day this turned into “I don’t need a bone,” and when we looked at him, he had a book in his mouth.
  5. “Booster seat!” when he runs into the kitchen to eat a meal
  6. “He wants…” whenever he wants something instead of using I
  7.  “What’s that little guy doing?” or “Look at that little person” anytime we see any person no matter how big or small
  8. The past 2 days, twice he has asked me in complete sentences to do something with “please” at the end of it.  I definitely stopped the cooking I was doing and meditation I was practicing to respond to these requests.
  9.  Milk is now referred to as coffee and he wants to carry it around the house all the time when we have traditionally only allowed milk at meal times.
  10. “I’m a race car” when he runs around the kitchen island as fast as he can
  11. “That’s a cute “lil house” or “what’s in that ‘lil house” when he’s referring to buildings and businesses
  12. When you whisper something for him to say out loud, he whispers it as well.
  13. Beginning to use 7 word sentences: “Mama, will you get that car, please?”
  14. “Wanna wrestle?” is used frequently when Matt gets home from work
  15. “Wanna read this one?” Then hands you the book to read thinking you’ll read it to him, but he really just wants you to read it and he’ll grab another book to begin reading.
  16. He has to sleep with 4 loveys each night: blankie, a puppy blankie, lambie (a stuffed lamb), and Henry (a stuffed scary looking cat).  He often cuddles them all at the same time and says “ohhh.”
  17. “I go crib” is common when he’s really tired after reading and during songs at night. 
  18. Beginning to learn the grace we say before each meal and says “Come Lord” and “be our Guest”
  19. “Thank you very much” when thanking someone
  20. “Anhydrous tanks,” “he’s plowing,” “hay bales,” and “wanna go get ‘em” or “ wanna  go see’em” when we see any tractors or farm equipment working is extremely common.

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